The technical meeting for the 3 years and 6 months since the beginning of the project was held on May 17, 2023, at the Municipality of Polizzi Generosa (Italy). The beneficiaries gathered to review the progress and challenges of the project, considering the extension of the project duration requested to complete the remaining activities and achieve all expected results.
LIFE4FIR festeggia i 30 anni del programma LIFE!! Open day, workshop e visita agli Abies – 16-17 maggio 2022
Il programma LIFE festeggia 30 anni! LIFE4FIR ha organizzato due eventi per festeggiare il programma e promuovere le iniziative a tutela dell’ambiente.
Open day a Polizzi Generosa
Il 16 maggio 2022, è stato organizzato, presso la sala consiliare del Comune di Polizzi Generosa, un open day dedicato alla sensibilizzazione di giovani, studenti e comunità locali sulle tematiche ambientali e sulla conservazione dell’Abies nebrodensis (qui il programma della giornata).
Roberto Danti (IPSP-CNR), Rosario Schicchi (UNIPA-SAAF) e Puppuccio Bonomo (Ente Parco Madonie) hanno illustrato il progetto LIFE4FIR e le opportunità per l’ambiente offerte dal programma LIFE alle diverse scolaresche che hanno partecipato all’open day.
All’evento hanno preso parte anche alcuni rappresentanti delle istituzioni pubbliche locali: Gandolfo Librizzi (Sindaco di Polizzi Generosa), Angelo Merlino (Presidente Ente Parco delle Madonie) e Mario Candore (Dirigente Dipartimento Regionale Sviluppo Rurale e Territoriale della Regione Sicilia).
Al termine delle presentazioni presso la sala consiliare, il gruppo si è diretto verso il popolamento di Abies Nebrodensis curato dal progetto LIFE4FIR per conoscere dal vivo le attività in corso a tutela della specie a rischio estinzione. Più di 100 studenti hanno partecipato all’escursione!
La giornata si è conclusa con una visita al vivaio Piano di Noce ed un pranzo organizzato e servito dai ragazzi della Scuola Alberghiera di Bagheria.
Workshop all’orto botanico dell’Università di Palermo
Il 17 maggio 2022, presso la Sala Domenico Lanza dell’Orto Botanico dell’Università di Palermo, si è tenuto il Workshop ‘Strategie innovative per la conservazione ex situ di Abies nebrodensis’ (qui il programma dell’evento).
L’obiettivo dell’evento è stato coinvolgere ricercatori, amministratori di aree naturali, professionisti interessati alla biodiversità e studenti universitari, illustrando le procedure sviluppate per l’implementazione della biobanca (banca del seme e criobanca) e le attività a favore della conservazione dell’Abies nebrodensis, grazie a misure ex situ ed ad un approccio innovativo.
Monitoring meeting for the 24 months of the LIFE4FIR project – 15-16 November 2021
The LIFE4FIR project consortium met again in Sicily in November 2021 for the periodic monitoring meeting (agenda available here). A two day full of activities!
During the first day, the beneficiaries and the external monitor met in the beautiful headquarters of the municipality of Polizzi Generosa to discuss the results obtained and the activities planned for the coming months.
In the afternoon, after the meeting, the participants moved for a visit to the Seed Bank set up inside the Abies Nebrodensis Museum, in the municipality of Polizzi Generosa.
During the visit it was possible to observe the first samples of seeds stored for conservation: this activity is of fundamental importance for the maintenance of the germplasm of the species.
The second day was dedicated to an excursion to the original settlement of Abies nebrodensis. The walk along the path of the Abies was organized to show to the monitor the interventions carried out, with particular attention to the installation of the new fencing system around the trees and the video surveillance system.
LIFE4FIR meets the Mayor of Polizzi Generosa – 25 May 2021
On May 25 2021, the Life4fir project delegates met the Mayor of Polizzi Generosa, Gandolfo Librizzi, to define the matter related to the management of the cryobank under construction at the premises of the Abies Nebrodensis Museum, located in the Town Hall.
In the photo from the left: Maria Antonietta Germanà; Dr. Maurizio Lambardi; the Mayor Dr. Gandolfo Librizzi; Dr. Roberto Danti (Life4fir coordinator) and Dr. Peppuccio Bonomo in front of the dewar supplied for storing samples of seeds, pollen, isolated embryos and embryogenic callus lines of Abies nebodensis in liquid nitrogen.
Three days of work in the Madonie Park for the start of action A.1 ‘Development of a protocol for the genetic characterization of the natural population of Abies nebrodensis and optimizing its propagation and conservation at cryogenic temperatures of organs and tissues’ – 20 -22 November 2019
From 20 to 22 November 2019, LIFE4FIR partners met for three days of work the Madonie Regional Park for carrying out the technical activities foreseen in action A1 “Development of a protocol for the genetic characterization of the natural population of Abies nebrodensis and optimizing its propagation and conservation at cryogenic temperatures of organs and tissues”.
Samplings and surveys were carried out both in the natural population and in the nursery “Piano Noce” where seedlings of A. nebrodensis are produced using the seed harvested from mature plants.
The team of the University of Seville carried out samplings for the genetic characterization of the natural population (sub-action A1.1) and of the plants raised in the nursery (sub-action A1.2).
The IPSP-CNR team carried out surveys and samplings to assess presence and impact caused by pathogens and adverse environmental factors both to plants of the natural population and to plants grown in nursery. The different types of alterations of the vegetative state were defined and samples were collected for subsequent laboratory analysis (sub-action A1.3).
The IBE-CNR and CIRITA-UNIPA team began analyzing the seeds obtained from the cones collected in autumn to evaluate the germination rate and to develop protocols for the low-temperature seed conservation and cryopreservation for organs and tissues.
In carrying out activities in the forest and in the nursery, researchers were helpfully supported and guided by the technical personnel of EPM and DRSRT. We spent three days of intense work in the name of a positive atmosphere of collaboration.
The LIFE4FIR project visited the Museum of the Abies nebrodensis just set up in the town hall of Polizzi Generosa. As requested by Mayor, the opportunity to establish here the seedbank and the cryobank planned by the project is being evaluated.
While sampling of the natural population for genetic analysis (action A1.1). In the background some scattered trees of A. nebrodensis are visible.
Samples of green needles were collected from all the adult trees and from young plants og the natural regeneration.
Needles collected from each plant were kept inside tea bags.
While surveing the health state of trees of the natural population (tree nr. 8).
Reddened shoots (tree nr. 11).
The tree nr. 12, showing desiccated twigs and branches throughout the crown.
Damage caused by wild herbivores to the tree nr. 24
Surveys on the tree nr. 28.
Survey and samplings on A. nebrodensis plants raised in the ‘Piano Noce’ nursery.
Plants in the nursery with desiccated sprouts.
LIFE4FIR Kick-Off meeting in Palermo – 2-3 October 2019
The Kick Off meeting of the LIFE4FIR (here the agenda) project was held the 2nd October 2019 in the wonderful setting of the Orto Botanico di Palermo.
The meeting was attended by the Cooodinating beneficiary CNR IPSP (Institute for Sustainable Plant Protection) and CNR IBE (Institute of Bioeconomy) and by representatives of all associated beneficiaries: Ente Parco delle Madonie (EPM); Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca sull’interazione Tecnologia-Ambiente – Università Di Palermo (CIRITA-UNIPA); Assessorato Regionale dell’Agricoltura, dello Sviluppo Rurale e della Pesca Mediterranea, Dipartimento Regionale dello Sviluppo Rurale e Territoriale (DRSRT); University of Seville (US).
The meeting mainly has been aimed at developing a common view of the project mandate, fostering team building and establishing working relationships, beginning to tackle together the work to be done and focusing on the tasks that each beneficiary will have to deal with in the next months.
During the meeting, all beneficiaries have been acquainted on the main administrative and financial aspects of the Life programME.
The following day, 3rd October 2019, the LIFE4FIR group was welcomed by the Major of Polizzi Generosa, the municipality where the Abies nebrodensis population is located, and then visited in situ the relic trees’ area and the ‘Piano Noce’ nursery, where most activities on seedlings will be conducted during the project.
Presentations held during the meeting
First day meeting at the Botanical garden of Palermo
Coordinator and partners of the LIFE4FIR project, presenting their Institutions and the activities in which they will be involved within the project.
LIFE4Fir project and objectives was briefly introduced to students attending the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry at the University of Palermo.
The LIFE4FIR group which attended the Kick Off meeting the 2nd October 2019 at the Orto Botanico of Palermo.
LIFE4FIR welcomed by the Major
The LIFE4FIR group was welcomed by the Major of Polizzi Generosa
In situ visit to the relic Abies nebrodensis population
Natural regeneration of Abies nebrodensis.
The LIFE4FIR workgroup was joined by a couple of german tourists which was hiking the Abies nebrodensis path in the Parco delle Madonie.
The Abies nebrodensis tree nr. 13 from which cones were collected soon before their maturation.
Coordinator and part of the LIFE4FIR group during the visit to the Abies nebrodensis relic population, guided by employees of the Parco delle Madonie.
Visit to the Piano Noce nursery
LIFE4FIR group and employees of the Piano Noce nursery which was visited during the second day of the meeting.
LIFE4FIR group visiting the plots in the Piano Noce nursery where Abies nebrodensis seedlings are growing.
Coordinator and some colleagues of CNR visiting a site suited for the establishment of new clonal orchard as planned in the LIFE4FIR project.
At the following link is available the press release issued by the Parco delle Madonie’s Authority on!